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Project of the week - ROSETTES

17 / 05 / 2019
Category: Project News

”The world of Carpathian Rosettes - activities for preserving the cultural uniqueness of the Carpathians” (acronym: ROSETTES) is a HERITAGRE initiative which involve in cross-border cooperation, as many as 11 beneficiaries (please find the list in project card). The Lead Beneficiary  is the Association for Development and Promotion of Podkarpacie "Pro Carpathia".

The activities planned within the ROSETTES project  focuses on joint actions aimed at preserving heritage of the Carpathians. You can get acquainted with them by reading pdf file below

The  ROSETTES project started on 1st September 2018 and project activities started almost immediately. The Podkarpackie Voivodeship being one of the project beneficiaries, has organized Polish-Ukrainian research trip of an ethnographic and cultural character. The expedition took place in the Carpathian part of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship . The aim of  the task was to get acquainted with the places and the legacy of region culture and craft. Serious contraction works related to the creation of four ROSETTES centres have already been started. Kolochava village council has recently begun building of amphitheatre and a conference hall. The beneficiary Communal institution of Lviv regional council" Administration of historical-cultural reserve "Tustan" has selected a contractor to hold  the reconstruction of a Boyko house in Urych village to its traditional appearance.  Last but not least, the Kosiv district council has started construction works within the framework of the renovation of the building for creation the Carpathian Culture Centre in Kosiv town.

According to the grant contract, the project ROSETTES shall be implemented till 31st August 2020.


Project of the week ROSETTES

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