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New schedule of calls for proposals

23 / 03 / 2017
Category: Programme News

As a result of recent Project Selection Committee and the Joint Monitoring Committee’s decision regarding concept notes submitted within thematic objectives Heritage and Security there was a need to modify the timeframe of the Programme activities in this regard. The number of received concept notes was high above any expectations and the evaluation process revealed that big part of them presents very high quality. Given that situation the Programme bodies decided on the maximal increase of the available funds for the 1st Call for Proposals for those two thematic objectives in order to reward more beneficiaries for their effort in preparing proposals. It resulted in much bigger than previously estimated number of concept notes invited to submit the Full Application Form (FAF). Therefore, the time needed for their evaluation had to be prolonged accordingly and the general schedule of Programme implementation had to be adapted.

The deadline for submission of FAF for Heritage and Security is until the end of June 2017 and the final decision on grant award should be taken in October 2017 in case of Heritage and by the end of March 2018 in case of Security.

The JTS is currently assessing concept notes from Accessibility and Borders thematic objectives. This stage should be finalised by the end of May 2017 and the final decision on the awarded projects within these thematic objectives will be taken by the JMC in December 2017.

As for the call to be devoted to projects with small budget, its launch has been postponed and is now planned for September 2018.

At the same time, due to the decision on the maximal increase of funds within Heritage and Security, there will be no more calls for proposals for regular projects for those thematic objectives as there will be no available funds.

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