We kindly inform that three of our 2007-2013 projects were submitted for the REGIOSTARS 2019, Europe’s awards for the most innovative, regional projects.
This year we can vote for the REGIOSTARS 2019 Public Choice Award which goes to the project with the highest number of public support (‘likes’ and ‘votes’). This project will receive a dedicated award at the ceremony on 9 October. You can find online an explanation for the online liking/voting system that will define the winner: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/regio-stars-awards/2019/public_choice
Please support our projects giving likes and votes. It is very easy and will take only a few minutes. We have prepared a short instruction how to support our projects:
You can vote for as many projects you want and as many times you want till 9 July 2019!
Let’s show our projects are interesting! Together we can interest many people with PBU projects!
Thank you for your support!
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