The project “New life of the old city: revitalization of monuments of the historical and cultural heritage of Lutsk and Lublin” (acronym TwoTowers) is implemented within the Thematic Objective HERITAGE. The Lead Beneficiary of the project is the Executive Committee of Lutsk City Council (UA), whereas the Municipality of Lublin (PL) is a partner.
With regards to the tourism sector development, both cities Lutsk and Lublin face the same problem – a relatively small number of visitors to sites of historical and cultural heritage within these cities. Project partners decided to jointly promote their cities, attract tourists heritage monuments and encourage local residents to integration. The main goal of the project is a revival of the monuments – the Chortorysky towers with the defensive wall, the Jesuit monastery with the underground cells in Lutsk, the Gothic tower in Lublin, which are now unknown not only to tourists but also to locals. Parallelly, the project deals with a lot of soft events, the main idea of which is the development and promotion of the cultural relations between both cities.
More about the project you can read in the enclosed pdf file.
The implementation of the project started in August 2018. After 6 months of struggling, finally, at the end of May, partners received all the permitting documentation for the infrastructure component and were ready to announce tenders for restoration works.
In the meantime, a couple of interesting (and very demanding for both partners) events were organized within the project. One of them was the International Scientific Conference “Experience of revitalization and promotion of historical-cultural heritage” held in Lutsk in February 2019. During the Conference, the achievements and innovative approaches in the field of revitalization and preservation of architectural monuments, their promotion in the tourism industry were presented. Using best practices during the forthcoming restoration works were discussed by partners. The collection of conference materials “Preservation and revitalization of architectural monuments. Modern decisions” is being spread now among universities, libraries, and museums of Lutsk and Lublin. The on-line publication is available on the Lead Beneficiary official website (you can see it here).
Another spectacular event “Festival of legends” took place in Lublin, in June (short movie from the Festival). The preparatory works had started long before. The scenario included a great number of themed walks, urban games, and quests, art installations, outdoor performances, street shows all around the Old City in Lublin. During the Festival, Lutsk was represented by the "GarMidEr" theater, which performed with the premiere of a street show "#LUTSKO. The spirit of the city". The fairy-mystical show covered all the key events in the history of Lutsk from ancient times to the present, from the most tragic to the most significant events, from the period of decline to prosperity. A key role in the performance played not the text, but the sounds and visual effects, facial expressions and plasticity of the actors, while the scenery allowed the viewers to follow the action from any angle.
The huge delegation from Lutsk visited Lublin on this occasion. During the visit, a joint press conference was held with the participation of representatives of the Lutsk City Council and the Administration of Lublin City, dedicated to the restoration of key architectural monuments with common Polish-Ukrainian history - the Chortoryiski Tower in Lutsk and the Gothic Tower in Lublin.
The next step in the Project is the very restoration works which are expected to start in the nearest future.
According to the grant contract, the project should be completed by 31st July 2020.
More about the TwoTowers project, you can find in the Projects tab on our webpage.
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