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Trainings for beneficiaries invited to the second stage of the 1st Call for Proposals

04 / 04 / 2017
Category: Programme News

The Joint Technical Secretariat will provide all beneficiaries who received positive decision on their Concept Notes with trainings on the preparation of Full Application Form.

Altogether 334 lead beneficiaries of projects submitted within the thematic objective Heritage and Security received invitation to submit Full Application Form (FAF). There are over 1000 institutions cooperating as beneficiaries in these projects and all of them will have opportunity to take part in the trainings prepared by the Joint Technical Secretariat. The trainings are planned to be held in second half of May in all three countries (Rzeszów, Lublin, Białystok, Brest, Lviv) and will be run in national languages.

Following the trainings, upon request of lead beneficiaries the JTS will be providing individual consultations in June. The JTS wishes to remind that the deadline for submission of the Full Application Form is the end of June 2017.

More details will be provided soon on the Programme website.

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