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Opening of the Rzeszów Branch Office

05 / 04 / 2017
Category: Programme News

On the 30th March 2017 Adam Hamryszczak, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development of Poland and Bogdan Romaniuk, Vice-Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship solemnly opened the new premises of the Rzeszów Branch Office. 

The Branch Office in Rzeszów was established in December 2016 in order to ensure the Programme promotion and access to information for potential applicants and beneficiaries from the Polish eligible area. It implements the information and communication plan, supports the JTS/MA in the organization of significant events of the Programme in Poland (trainings, workshops, conferences, meetings etc.) as well as ensures direct, phone and e-mail consultations for beneficiaries.

- This is an important place and important moment of implementation of the Programme. In December, the 1st Call for Proposals was closed. In total, we received 749 Concept Notes concerning the natural and cultural heritage, accessibility of border area, and common challenges in the matter of security and management of borders - said Adam Hamryszczak.

Photo: Daniel Kozik (Marshal Office of the Podkarpackie Region). From the left: Adam Hamryszczak (Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development of Poland), Alicja Wosik (Head of the Branch Office), Bogdan Romaniuk (Vice-Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship). 

The Branch Office in Rzeszów also supports the Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat in the day-to-day implementation of the Programme, contributing to increase the effectiveness of activities addressed to the applicants. In the future it will also provide support in the implementation and settlement of projects and collect data to improve the quality of project monitoring.

The Branch Office in Rzeszów employs three experts. Their activity is financed entirely from the Programme technical assistance budget in the framework of the signed contract.

Contact details of the Branch Office in Rzeszów:

Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020

Branch Office in Rzeszów

Marshal’s Office of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship

6 Poniatowskiego str., 35-026 Rzeszow, Poland

Open hours: from Monday to Friday, 8:00-16:00

Phone numbers:

+48 17 84 35 188 (Experts)

            + 48 17 84 35 335 (Head of the BO)


Head of the Branch Office - Alicja Wosik (

Junior Expert - Monika Piątek-Kozioł (

Junior Expert - Szymon Skublicki (

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