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Project of the week - RUOK

20 / 09 / 2019
Category: Project News

The issue addressed by the RUOK project is the problem of ongoing demographic changes in Siedlce Region and Minsk Oblast. According to the hospitals’ statistics, in recent years, the number of premature births in both regions has grown and the number of natural given births is decreasing. To address these trends, Mazovian Voivodeship Hospital in Siedlce and Minsk Regional Clinical Maternity House have to adapt to new social needs by diversifying and upgrading the medical offer. The RUOK project main objective is to counteract the negative demographic trends in the project area through the development of specialist maternal and child health care. The efforts of partners are focused on improving access to high-quality medical services and modern equipment.

More about the project you can be found the enclosed pdf file.

The RUOK project started on 1st May 2019. In case of Siedlce Hospital, due to application of the design and build formula for construction works, after obtaining a building permit, the construction works could have been started still in the 1st month of the project implementation. These works relate the adaptation of the boiler room building to the needs of medical care for mother and child began. At this stage earthworks and demolition works have been finished. The construction works are planned to be completed in the first half of 2020. Both hospitals announced tenders for the purchase of equipment (medical and IT), which will allow starting the preventive programs planned in the project in 2019.

According to the grant contract, the project should complete all its’ activities by 30th April 2021.



Project of the week_0067_RUOK

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