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Friendly match in Lviv

02 / 10 / 2019
Category: Programme News

On September 27 we celebrated European Cooperation Day in Lviv. We started with a meeting in the building of the "SKIF" stadium of Lviv State University of Physical Culture, where Marek Horbań, the president of the Lviv Sports Club "Pogoń", one of the first Polish football clubs, told about the club's history, its greatest achievements and plans for the future. Sports journalists Ivan Jaremko and Bogdan Lupa discussed football traditions of Lviv, its most outstanding players and the common Polish-Ukrainian sports heritage.

The guests also had the opportunity to hear information about the status of the implementation of our Program. "We are very happy that we can be visiting Lviv again, this time directly engaging in the promotion of common cultural heritage. I am convinced that our friendly match will be a real continuation of Lviv's sporting traditions,”noted Rafał Baliński, director of the Territorial Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Investment and Development.

After the meeting at the University, a friendly match between junior teams was played on the field of the oldest Lviv stadium. It aroused enormous emotions for both players and fans of both teams. The game ended in a 2: 2 draw. Then the match was played by the players and supporters of "Pogoń" Lviv and the representatives of our Program. The first minutes of the meeting showed a slight advantage of the PBU team and after a dozen or so minutes they were leading 0: 1. Being professionals the "Pogoń" team quickly equalized the result, and after a few minutes took over the lead. Loud cheering for our team encouraged it. Attractive attacks, persistence of the whole team and the final header of Rafał Baliński led to a 2: 2 draw, literally during the last seconds of the match.

We thank all the fans and players for cooperation and great fun we had together!

The event was one of over 100 events organized this year throughout Europe as part of the European Cooperation Day. The European Cooperation Day is celebrated to promote the achievements of European regions and countries that cooperate across national borders.


ECDay 2019 Lviv

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