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Preparation of the Programme for years 2021-2027

18 / 10 / 2019
Category: Project News

Although the current Programme seems to be just started, the works on the future Programme edition, for years 2021-2027, were already initiated. As we informed on our website, new Programme will be implemented within the framework of the "European Territorial Cooperation" objective of the European Cohesion policy (so called Interreg, draft regulation) and the new Neighbourhood, International Cooperation and Development Instrument (draft regulation) that shall replace current European Neighbourhood Instrument.

On 11th October, 2019, the representatives of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine for the 1st time met in the framework of the Joint Programming Committee (JPC). JPC was set up with the objective to prepare the new Programme. Representatives of national and regional authorities as well as institutions representing economic and social partners and civil society in all three countries are nominated to the JPC. The biggest challenge for the JPC is to adapt the future Programme to the crucial needs of the area and its population.

Central aspects of the new Programme were discussed at the 1st JPC meeting – Programme area and selection of objectives and priorities that Programme will address. The so far results of a public survey carried out on the Programme website were analysed and discussed in this regard.

The survey is still open – spare a minute to have your voice in the new Programme preparation.

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