On 17th October 2019 the XX International Scientific Conference “Problems of forecasting and state regulation of socio-economic development” took place in Minsk, Belarus. The Programme together with the Scientific and Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus organized the Conference. In the plenary session, the Director of the Center of European Projects, Leszek Buller, while giving our Programme as an example, spoke about perspectives and possibilities on cross-border cooperation as a factor for regions’ development. The Head of the JTS Andrzej Słodki presented a state of play of the Programme. Our beneficiaries from Brest and Hrodna Oblasts shared their successful experiences from projects’ realization.
In the framework of the Conference, on 18th October, the Polish-Belarusian round table was organized to discuss the priorities of socio-economic development of the Belarusian regions in the context of cross-border cooperation within the future Programme. During the discussion, the Head of the JTS Andrzej Słodki provided information on major legal assumptions for the 2021-2027 INTERREG perspective, in which new Programme will be implemented. He presented also the results of a questionnaire on objectives’ and priorities’ selection for 2021-2027 period that we carried out on the Programme website and among Programme national and regional authorities. The director of ITA EU Centre Dina Goncharova presented the result of the questionnaire on a choice of objectives and priorities for the future Programme among the Belarusian institutions. The participants had also a chance to share their position on the matter of the new Programme and its priorities.
Among the participants of the round table were the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RB, Scientific and Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the RB, ITA EU Centre in Belarus, regional authorities, Center of European Projects, JTS, Brest Branch Office and customs officers.
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