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Guidelines for preparation of Feasibility study

13 / 04 / 2017
Category: Programme News

We kindly inform all Beneficiaries that Guidelines for preparation of Feasibility study were prepared and approved by the Managing Authority.

In case of projects including infrastructure component equalling at least 1 million EUR, the Beneficiaries shall submit full feasibility study in one the state languages - Polish, Ukrainian or Russian together with brief description in English. The document must also be submitted in electronic version (doc. or pdf).

While elaborating Full feasibility study, please make use of the prepared document “Guidelines for preparation of Feasibility study” (pdf 1MB).

In case of projects including infrastructure component between 50 000 EUR and 1 million EUR, the Beneficiaries shall submit point 3.5 brief Feasibility study in Full Application Form.

When the project includes two infrastructure components, 1 above and 1 below 1 million EUR, for the second component the brief Feasibility study shall be submitted, according to the description (pdf 317KB). This brief Feasibility study may be a part of Full feasibility study or a separate description attached as a second Annex A8 to the Full Application Form.


Infrastructure component

Infrastructure component includes the expenditures on financing infrastructure, especially financing construction works. It includes also other costs directly related to the infrastructure, i.e. (among others) preparation of the construction site, inspection, supply and installation of the equipment inseparably related to the infrastructure, renovations, purchase of land and buildings.

The value of the infrastructure component shall be calculated separately for each piece of infrastructure within the project (for instance, a Beneficiary may implement few infrastructure components, e.g. a road and a building).

If, within the same project, one of beneficiaries is going to implement the infrastructure element worth 1,2 million EUR and the other one is going to implement the infrastructure element worth 0,7 million EUR, Full feasibility study has to be submitted only by the beneficiary who is going to implement the component worth 1,2 million EUR (the component is bigger that 1 million EUR and, according to the Programme Manual, point 3.2.2 the beneficiary shall submit additional documents). In this case, the beneficiary who is going to implement the component worth 0,7 million EUR will be obliged to submit the above-mentioned brief feasibility study or the Full feasibility study shall include the information on both components.

Please be reminded that the total amount of all infrastructure components implemented within the project must be lower than 2,5 million EUR.

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