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Project of the week - RESCUE

21 / 02 / 2020
Category: Project News

“To the rescue. Improvement of accessibility to medical services in emergencies through the cooperation of emergency medical services in the cross-border area of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine” (acronym RESCUE) is a three-side project implemented by partners from Poland, Belarus and Ukraine under Thematic Objective SECURITY.

Ensuring efficient cooperation between the medical services in Lubelskie Voivodeship, Brest and Lviv Oblast to provide wider access to the healthcare for the residents of the cross-border area is a main goal of the RESCUE project. The limitations which medical services involved in the project face relate inter alia to poor condition of the equipment, insufficient qualifications of part of the personnel. Low awareness of local communities on the health related issues also remains a great challenge. These aspects often result in providing needed assistance too late.

The RESCUE project began on 1st May 2019 and the kick-off Conference was organized in the first days of its activity. The Independent Public Health Care Centre in Tomaszów Lubelski purchased 2 ambulances and telecardiology system. Meanwhile, the Independent Public Health Care Centre in Hrubieszów also bought 2 ambulances with specialized equipment. The Belarusian and Ukrainian partners are preparing tenders for the purchase of medical vehicles. These purchases will even out the standard of rescue vehicles owned by project partners. The purchase of specialized medical equipment is another crucial aspect of the project. The Central District Hospital in Zhabinka has already received phantom for adults and phantom for children. The Sokal District Council obtained 3 ECG devices, an USG device, an anaesthetic breathing system, phantom for children and phantom for adults. The Polish and Belarusian partners are developing tender documentation for the purchase of medical equipment. Moreover, the Central District Hospital in Žabinka conducted also specialized training for 53 doctors and 80 nurses in which they will gain knowledge and skills that will be used in establishing joint principles and mechanisms of the cooperation between the emergency medical services. Other beneficiaries currently prepare similar trainings for their staff.

According to the grant contract, the project should be completed by 30th April 2021.



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