Modification of the Guidelines on expenditure verification
28 / 04 / 2020
Please be informed that on 17th April 2020 the Joint Monitoring Committee approved the updated version of the Guidelines on expenditure verification (version 4). The document was modified in the following parts:
- Guidelines on expenditure verification – were amended by the detailing of the provisions concerning the auditor’s signature on verified documents (narrative part of beneficiary’s report). Additional, minor technical adjustments were introduced,
- Annex no. 5 Template of the checklist for Public Procurement Control for the Belarusian beneficiaries – were amended in order to ensure the coherence between programme requirements and the scope of auditor’s verification.
- Annex no. 6a Template of the checklist for Procurement Control for the Ukrainian non-public beneficiaries – were introduced in order to ensure the full coverage of the process of verification of expenditures on the Ukrainian side in regards to the procurements by public and non-public entities.
- Appendix 10b. Checklist for on-the-spot verifications – part 2 – CCP – were amended taking into the account valid programme requirements.
The document comes into force on the date it is published on the Programme website and replaces the previous version of the Guidelines on expenditure verification.
The document in English is available here and published in section Documents -> IMPLEMENTATION PHASE. The other language versions will be also available on our website in the nearest future.
Please also note that the English version of the manual is official and binding and takes precedence over working translation into other language versions (Polish, Russian or Ukrainian).
Very useful
Maybe useful