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"Most-IC multi-center - a step into the future"

05 / 05 / 2020
Category: Project News

Today we would like to present the story, which received the 2nd place in our contest for the most interesting story of a project implemented within our Programme. It’s author, Ms. Olga Korshun (Ольга Коршун) from Belarus, wrote a text about the ICTCompet project (PBU1/0594).

The aim of the contest launched on the Programme fan-page on Facebook was to promote projects implemented under the Programme and their effects by preparing texts illustrating them, i.e. a "project story" - an authentic story about a project, concerning one of the issues: how the idea of the project came about, project implementation, project effects - its impact on recipients, participants or people implementing the project, presented on the example of a specific person/ family/ group of people.

Enjoy reading!

60 kilometers southeast of Hrodna, on the colorful bank of the river Neman, lies the glorious and cozy town Masty. It is a beautiful and unique place near Neman with amazing natural beauties, hospitable, open and friendly people. Who once visited our town: traveled on the Neman or admired the magnificent panorama from the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in Belarus, experienced the generosity of local forests, will leave it in his heart forever.

Shortly a modern high-tech educational multi-center "Most-IC" ("Most" means "bridge") will be created in the very center of our town based on the Masty district library, where printed publications and interactive educational programs will complement each other. The unusual name of the multi-center was not chosen by chance: there are five bridges in our town: a suspended pedestrian bridge, two highway bridges, a railway bridge across the Neman River, and a small bridge across the Zaĺvianka River.

Multi-center "Most-IC" will be open for children, youth, adults, and even pensioners. It will allow to improve their knowledge and develop intellectual and creative skills. Nine different laboratories will be placed in the library: for art, music, foreign languages, science, technology and robotics, environmental studies, experiments. Lego creative laboratory and children's labs will not leave the kids indifferent. Visitors of the multi-center of different age groups will be able to find for themselves a fascinating activity, will have the opportunity to compose melodies, process, record their music and immediately post on the Internet. Using special design programs, guests can create films, cartoons, plan the future homes, homesteads, landscapes, they also can draw, create graphic and computer animation, learn foreign languages. Children and teenagers will be able to design, to study the functioning of mechanisms and robots, to construct an aircraft, to print a model on a 3D printer, to conduct scientific research, experiments in physics, biology, chemistry, etc.

Everybody can spend time with benefit, learn a lot of new and interesting things, feel like a real researcher and an inventive experimenter in the multi-center "Most-IC" in the future... in the near future!

Thanks to the financial support of the European Union, the international technical assistance project " Creation of information and communication technologies and education centers in Ostrołęka and Masty" is being implemented within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme "Poland - Belarus - Ukraine" 2014-2020.

Written by: Olga Korshun, assistant national project manager

ITA-project “Creation of information and communication technologies and education centers in Ostrołęka and Masty"

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