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Ankieta PBU in numbers2_sewage projects' map

Kayak Centre in Podlasie

28 / 07 / 2020
Category: Programme News


The three-sided BugUnitesUs project ("Bug Unites Us - creation of two cross-border touristic kayak trails") is underway. A significant part of the project concerns the creation of three Kayak Tourism Centres (on the Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian side of the border) on the kayak trails, whose task will be to promote kayak tourism. The first of these centres was opened on 15th July 2020 in Drohiczyn, in the Podlaskie Voivodeship (Poland).

The Centre was open daily from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and is already very popular. Within thirteen days of its functioning, it was visited by about 1000 people. In the Centre you can see, among others, the richest exhibition of historic kayaks in Poland and try your hand at the only kayak simulator in Poland, test modern kayaks in a specially created pool or relax in a kayak cinema.

Work is currently underway to complete similar centres on the Ukrainian and Belarusian side. In addition, project partners are marking kayak trails and building five observation towers along their route. An application, a computer game and a film promoting these routes are being created.

More information about the project can be found here.

We invite you to watch the report from the opening of the Kayak Tourism Center in Drohiczyn and to visit our project during summer trips around Podlasie.


Kayak Centre in Podlasie

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