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Generator for the Full Application Form

10 / 05 / 2017
Category: Programme News

We kindly inform you that all Beneficiaries invited to the second stage of the Call for proposals will soon receive by e-mail a pre-filled file with Full Application Form with information originated  from the Concept Note .

To fill out the Full Application Form you will need a generator which is available here (download file). Once you have installed the generator on your computer, you should import received file into it. According to the provisions of the Programme Manual, part of the fields containing information from the Concept Note is inactive and no changes of those parts are possible . Fields that are not blocked can be modified at the process of completing the Full Application Form.

Below you can find the hardware requirements for the proper functioning of the generator:

  • operating system: minimum Windows XP (recommended for Windows 7 or later);
  • minimum 1GB of RAM;
  • minimum 5 GB free disk space;
  • monitor resolution minimum 1024x768;
  • Internet browsers: recommended Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox in their latest versions for Windows operating system (Internet Explorer only for Windows 7 or later).

In case of any technical errors in the functioning of the generator, please contact the JTS employee:

Andrzej Świerbut
phone: +48 22 378 31 38, mob.: +48 782 110 106


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