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Project of the week - ROCCO

19 / 08 / 2020
Category: Project News

The project “Restoration of common culture heritage as a base for youth and creative groups from Poland and Belarus cross-border cooperation” (acronym ROCCO) is being implemented under the Thematic Objective HERITAGE. The Lead Beneficiary is the Puchaczów Commune (PL), and the project partner is the Department for Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of Liachavičy Raion Executive Committee (BY).

Poland and Belarus share a common history, valuable culture and traditions. Many historical heritage sites remain in this area. One of them is the Lachert Manor House in Ciechanki, and the other is the Rejtan Family Manor House in Hrušaŭka. The authors of the ROCCO project noticed the great potential of both properties and planned to activate tourism based on these historic sites.

You can read more about the project in the PDF file below.

The project started on 1st July 2019. Since then, preparatory works for the renovation of both manor houses has begun. The manor house in Ciechanki covers an area of ​​495 m2. In the first stage of construction works, the basement walls were drained and water pipes were laid. For safety reasons, the manor house was also equipped with a fire protection system. Demolition works were carried out, and then new walls, a staircase and external stairs were built. In order to strengthen the building's structure, the ceiling above the ground floor was replaced with a concrete ceiling. Construction works related to the renovation of the roof truss are currently in progress.  To promote the common heritage to wider audience, a theatrical performance "A Day in the Life of Bohdan Lachert and Tadeusz Rejtan" is planned. At the same time, the Belarusian partner is renovating a 1,300 m2 wooden manor house in Hrušaŭka. Work began with external reconstruction. Structural elements were dismantled, the foundations of the building and cellars were reinforced. The sewage system was replaced, as well as electrical and water installations. Currently, works related to roofing are taking place. The roof frame was strengthened, and a protective frame was placed, which is the basis for further roof renovation. Works on the facade of the building will begin soon, as well as the renovation of the once beautiful external terraces and staircases that no longer exist.
According to the grant contract, the project should be completed by  30th June 2021.

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