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Trainings on preparation of Full Application Form finalised

22 / 05 / 2017
Category: Programme News

The Joint Technical Secretariat has conducted the series of trainings dedicated to preparation of the full application form (FAF) by lead beneficiaries within thematic objectives Heritage and Security. The trainings were organised on 16th – 18th May in each country: in Poland they took place in Białystok, Lublin and Rzeszów, in Ukraine in Lviv and in Belarus in Brest. Altogether there were 730 participants.

All presentations from the trainings can be downloaded in national languages from the news in relevant national language:


Currently all lead beneficiaries invited to submit FAF are preparing the applications using a generator and all necessary annexes which need to be submitted until 30th June 2017. In order to additionally assist beneficiaries in this process, the experts of the JTS will provide individual consultations in the regions during the month of June. Detailed agenda of the regional consultations will be soon announced.

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