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Simplified requirements for beneficiaries

22 / 05 / 2017
Category: Programme News

In order to enhance the process of preparation of Full Application Forms (FAF), the Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat have prepared a series of simplifications. The changes concern the list of annexes which are to be submitted together with the full application form on the second step of the call for proposals.

The full list of documents which need to be submitted together with the FAF is provided in the section 3.2.2 of the Programme Manual Part I – Applicant. Please, note that the scope of the introduced modifications include:

  • Annexes A3 (Copies of the profit and loss account and the balance sheets) and A11 (Maps, project location sketches) are removed from the list of necessary attachments,
  • Annexes A4 (The lead beneficiary declaration on ensuring the funds necessary to project implementation) and A9 (Self-declaration on the building permission or its equivalent) shall be submitted only by the Applicants who will be selected for the grant, before signature of the grant contract,
  • Annex A6 (Register document) – in case of submission of the copy of the register document by Ukrainian and Belarusian Applicants, there is no longer the obligation to confirm it as a true to the original by a notary or relevant issuing authority, it is sufficient if the copy is certified as a true to the original by the beneficiary.

All other annexes shall be submitted in line with the provisions of the Programme Manual.

At the same time, we would like to ensure you that the introduced changes shall have a neutral impact on the assessment of the full application form. The assessment criteria shall remain unchanged. The only aim of these modifications is to decrease the scope of administrative burden on the side of applicants.

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