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First Call for Proposals has been launched!

11 / 10 / 2016
Category: Programme News

The 1st Call for Proposals within the ENI CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 has been launched on 11th October 2016 during the conference closing the 2007-2013 edition of the  Programme and opening its 2014-2020 edition.

The Call is open for all Thematic Objectives of the Programme: Heritage, Accessibility, Security and Borders and all their priorities. The total allocation for this Call equals 80,17 M EUR and the grant value for a project must be within a range 100 000 – 2 500 000 EUR.

In this Call for Proposals the documents will be submitted in two steps: first, the lead beneficiaries will submit the Concept Notes with the general information on the project. Next, only selected lead beneficiaries will be invited to submit the Full Application Form providing detailed information on the project which will be further assessed.

The Concept Notes must be prepared only using the newest version of the application v.1.5 which can be downloaded here: CN Generator

Lead beneficiaries should download and install this application on their computers. After that it may be used offline. In order to submit the Concept Note within the Call, its form must be completed, saved, printed and signed. Both, paper version as well as the electronic files must be submitted to the Joint Technical Secretariat within the deadline set for this Call.

The deadline for submitting Concept Notes is 31st December 2016.

All details regarding the rules of this Call for Proposals are described in the Programme Manual Part I – Applicant which can be downloaded together with all annexes here: Manual with Annexes. This folder contains the following documents:

  • The Programme Manual Part I – Applicant
  • Annex 1 – Concept Note
  • Annex 2 – Full Application Form
  • Annex 3 – Project Budget
  • Annex 4 – Methodology of administrative costs calculation
  • Annex 5 – Other annexes to the Full Application Form
  • Annex 6 – Concept Note assessment checklist
  • Annex 7 – Full Application Form assessment checklist
  • Annex 8 – Full list of indicators
  • Annex 9 – Metrics of the Programme output and result indicators

Before preparing the Concept Note, please read all these documents carefully. Their English versions are official and binding but the same content for information purposes will be available on the Programme website also in national languages.

During the entire call, in order to assist the beneficiaries in preparing their proposals, the Joint Technical Secretariat will provide various support for them:

Feedback on questions/doubts and individual consultations

  • The beneficiaries could receive the written feedback on the requirements of the Call for proposals by sending email at Questions will be answered at least once a week by a selected group of the Programme experts.
  • The individual consultations for applicants on the project idea and the partnership will also be organized by the Joint Technical Secretariat Registration form.


  • November - a series of trainings for all applicants will be organized in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. They will provide crucial information on the procedures and requirements of the call for proposals and filling in the Concept Note.
  • December - the Lead beneficiary’s trainings will be organized in Rzeszów, Białystok, Lviv and Brest and will focus on how to fill in the relevant sections of the Concept Note.

Please check regularly our website for more information on each of these channels of support.

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