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Results of Cross-Border School Competition “Let’s Preserve the Cultural Heritage Together!” (in regard to Belarusian and Ukrainian schools)

26 / 05 / 2017
Category: Programme News

We are pleased to inform that the teams from the following schools scored the most points and will be invited to the final event of the school competition within the European Cooperation Day:

Belarusian finalists:

  • Gymnasium № 1 of Novogrudok (Hrodna region);
  • Gymnasium № 1 of Baranovichi (Brest region);
  • Gymnasium of Khoiniki (Homiel region);
  • Gymnasium № 4 of Brest (Brest region);
  • Gymnasium № 4 of Hrodna (Hrodna region);
  • Gymnasium № 58 г. of Homiel named after F.P.Haaz (Homiel region);
  • Secondary school № 16 of Lida (Hrodna region);
  • Gymnasium of Beloozersk (Brest region).

Ukrainian finalists:

  • School-Lyceum "Oriyana ("No limits")
  • Chervonohrad School №12
  • Lutsk gymnasium №4 named after Modest Levyskyy
  • Lutsk gymnasium №21 named after Mykhaylo Kravchuk
  • Gymnasium "Harmony" of Galician College named after Vyacheslav Chornovil
  • Central educational institution Horynya school I-III
  • Radyvyliv School №1 - Gymnasium
  • Ivano-Frankivsk Academic Lyceum - boarding school of Ivano-Frankivsk

We thank all the participants for their efforts and creative ideas in preparing and submitting applications and especially for the creative approach by preparing the video!

We will contact all teams individually. The final event of the competition will be held in Belarus on 19-21 September 2017. More information will be provided during the information sessions with schools.

Altogether within the contest Brest Branch Office received 35 applications (20 from Hrodna region, 11 - from Brest, 3 - from Homiel and 1 - from Minsk) and Lviv Branch Office received 41 applications (12 - from the Lviv region, 8 - from Volyn, 11 - from Ternopil, 8 - from Rivne, 2 - from Ivano-Frankivsk).

The schools-finalists from Poland will be determined after June 20th, 2017.

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