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Projects invited to the second stage of the 1st Call for Proposals within Accessibility and Borders

29 / 05 / 2017
Category: Programme News

The Project Selection Committee took decision on the results of the assessment of the Concept Notes from next two Thematic Objectives: Accessibility and Borders submitted within the 1st Call for Proposals. According to their decisions taken on 26th and 29th May there are altogether 82 projects invited to submit the Full Application Form (FAF). Please find the list of all these projects (Accessibility and Borders) as well as statistics regarding concept notes submitted within the 1st Call for Proposals.

In order to assist beneficiaries in preparing FAF of high quality, the JTS will organise trainings as well as will provide consultations in the Programme regions. In the meantime, we encourage to refer to the Evaluation and Assessment Manual as a helpful tool and practical guidance for all beneficiaries on how to prepare FAF and gain high scoring.

Please follow our website for details on forthcoming events and additional documents and instructions.


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