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Closing conference within Wooden Treasure project

30 / 04 / 2021
Category: Project News

Wooden architecture is one of the most valuable treasures of the Polish-Belarusian-Ukrainian borderland. On 29th April, a closing conference summarizing the WoodenTreasure project was held in Radruż (PL).

The project "Wooden Churches – the hidden giants of common tourism destination "Carpathians", was implemented by the Kresy Museum in Lubaczów (PL) and the Agency of Regional Development and Cross-border Cooperation "Transcarpathia" of Zakarpattya Oblast Council (UA). During the conference, the project partners summarized the joint activities and presented an interactive map of wooden churches. Congratulations to the project beneficiaries were given by the Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat, Andrzej Słodki: 

We have been travelled together since the Call for Proposals was announced on 1st August 2018. I am very happy that the project has been successfully implemented. When it comes to micro-projects – you are one of 7 so far completed projects out of 65.

The event was attended by regional and local journalists, participants of photo workshops and representatives of beneficiaries and institutions related to the Programme. In the evening, the organizers presented a film made as part of the project.

The WoodenTreasure project aimed to preserve and promote the wooden sacral architecture of the Carpathians. It has a high cultural heritage value with a great potential for tourism development. The project focused in particular on 10 wooden churches in the Lubaczów Poviat and 10 in the Zakarpattya Oblast. Three of them – in Yasinia, Uzhok (UA) and Radruż (PL) were jointly inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List in 2013. Project partners organized workshops on the protection and maintenance of wooden sacral architecture and the integration of cultural heritage into the tourism market. High-quality visual materials for promotional purposes were created within two photographic ateliers, followed by exhibitions in Poland and Ukraine. Finally, what project may be particularly proud of, the magnificent virtual tours around selected sacral churches were created, you may visit them under the links: PL virtual tours here; UA virtual tours here.

The project successfully worked on revitalization of sacral tourism on the border of the Carpathians, on improving its image and attractiveness, which is especially important for the small but valuable rural centres.

More about the WoodenTreasure project you can found in the Projects tab on our webpage.


Closing conference in Radruż (PL)

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