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Programme stand during the European Funds Open Days

05 / 06 / 2017
Category: Programme News

The promotional stand of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland – Belarus – Ukraine was awaiting visitors on Saturday 20th May at the Rzeszow-Jasionka International Airport amid the European Funds Open Days. Anyone interested had the possibility to learn from the Rzeszow Branch Office expert about the effects of the implemented projects as well as about possibilities which potential applicants may take advantage in the years to come.

pict. Sylwia Tęcza (UMWP)

The European Funds Open Days is a national promotional event bringing together beneficiaries of the European Funds, who once a year have the opportunity to present to the wider public the effects of their projects. This year was the 5th edition of this event in which beneficiaries of the PBU Programme took part.

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