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Ankieta PBU in numbers2_sewage projects' map

Simplified requirements for feasibility study

05 / 06 / 2017
Category: Programme News

In order to enhance the process of preparation of Full Application Forms (FAF), and due to emerging questions the requirements for feasibility study have been simplified. When preparing the feasibility study please use updated guidelines for feasibility study preparation.

At the same time, please remember that in case of projects including infrastructure component equalling at least 1 million EUR, the Beneficiaries shall submit full feasibility study in one the state languages - Polish, Ukrainian or Russian together with brief description in English. The document must also be submitted in electronic version (doc or pdf).

Please be informed that requirement to fill in p. 3.5 Brief Feasibility Study of the Full Application Form shall be applied for the projects, in which the total amount of all infrastructure components within the project  (budget line 6. Infrastructure component) equals to 50 000 EUR and more, while amount of each infrastructure component does not equal to 1 million EUR or more.

Please remember, that the total amount of costs foreseen in the infrastructure component (Budget heading 6) shall be lower than 2 500 000 EUR.

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