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Reveal the uniqueness of PBU projects – Photo Contest

21 / 07 / 2021
Category: Programme News

Last year edition of the contest “Reveal the uniqueness of PBU borderland” proved to be extremely popular. This year we continue with this idea focusing on what the best within our PBU projects. Currently, many projects can boast of results. We would like you to share the effects of your visits to our projects and encouraged others to use what was created as part of the Programme.

You can easily find PBU projects from your region using the project search engine on our webpage. It can also be the inspiration for you to travel to another region and discover our projects.

Discover the PBU projects and send your photos!

The aim of the Contest is to present the results of the projects (what was done, the impact, how they affect people’s life, how they changed the borderland) or still ongoing projects (any kind of activities carried out under that projects). As well you can take a photo of the activities organized within the projects such as festivals, kayaking excursions or workshops.

Participation rules: HERE
Application e-form: HERE
Deadline for applications: 19th September 2021. Submissions received after that date will not be considered.
Publication of results: end of September 2021

We have attractive prizes for the winners!

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