Simplified project modifications and use of savings
29 / 03 / 2022
The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces has had a negative impact on the implementation of the PL-UA partnership projects. To assist the projects in these difficult times and ease their implementation and modifications, the JMC of the Programme approved several simplifications in the projects procedures. Moreover, important changes were also introduced to enable projects initiation of additional activities – serving those in need, suffering from war in Ukraine.
- Substantial changes in the projects with the Ukrainian lead beneficiary may be introduced in the simplified way, by providing necessary information in e-mail sent to the JTS (documents to be provided at the later stage, once possible).
- Additional activities may be introduced in the projects (following the JTS approval) to help those in need now:
- providing the refugees (people escaping from the war from the Ukrainian territories regardless of their origin) with access to project products, e.g., buildings or equipment;
- adjusting project events to better serve the needs of the refugees (e.g., integration, translation support, extra activities for children);
- spending project savings on supplies and/or services that may provide additional value for the refugees from Ukraine (changes in the budget that do not change the total grant value).
The details on these simplifications and possible additional activities will be communicated by the JTS directly to beneficiaries.
We strongly encourage all beneficiaries to make the efficient use of the projects savings – let’s not miss any chance to help people harmed by war.
All beneficiaries interested in utilizing savings in their projects are advised to contact their JTS project managers beforehand.

Very useful

Maybe useful
