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Public consultations of the draft Interreg NEXT Programme Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027

16 / 05 / 2022
Category: Project News

The Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy (PL) invites you to take part in the public consultations of the draft Interreg NEXT Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027. The consultations last from 16 May to 6 June 2022. Their aim is to collect opinions and comments on the draft Programme. All individuals and institutions interested in cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine are invited to participate in the consultations.

To submit comments on the draft Programme, please fill in the PL or UA on-line form . Comments can be submitted until 6 June 2022.

All comments submitted during the consultations will be taken into account in the work on the final version of the Programme.

Information about the consultations can also be found on the website of the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy.

Draft Programme
PL summary
UA summary

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