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Promotional stand of the Programme at the II Local Development Forum in Truskavets

04 / 07 / 2017
Category: Programme News

On the 23rd – 25th of June 2017, the representatives of Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Programme participated in the II Local Development Forum in Truskavets, Ukraine. The Programme was also responsible for one of the discussion panels.

The forum, which was attended by more than 400 participants from Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania, as well as representatives of the EU, discussed the issues of regional development of the Carpathian region, decentralization and functioning of local self-governments.

The Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine organized the panel discussion entitled "Interregional and cross-border cooperation for the development of the Carpathians", which was moderated by Paweł Słowikowski, the Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat. Adam Hamrysczak, Deputy Minister for Development of the Republic of Poland and Leszek Buller, the Director of the Center for European Projects were among the speakers during the panel. "I am convinced that the funds of more than 160 million euro, allocated within CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020, will be used to implement the projects aimed at increasing investment attractiveness of our regions. Road infrastructure and border crossing points are of prime importance for us, but we must also keep in mind common culture, tourism and historical heritage”, - Adam Hamryszczak said.

Also, the promotional stand of the Programme operated during the Forum, where the information about the Program and its opportunities was provided to potential beneficiaries.

photo: Panel disscussion moderated by Paweł Słowikowski, Head of the JTS

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