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Opening of a Historic Monastery in Węgrów

03 / 06 / 2022
Category: Project News

On 2nd June, the ceremony of completing the revitalisation works of the post-reformation monastery in Węgrów took place. The event was attended by Leszek Buller PhD, Director of the Center of European Projects, and Andrzej Słodki, Head of the the Joint Technical Secretariat of the PBU Programme (JTS).

A grant of more than 2.3 M EUR from the PBU Programme for the project entitled "The twin monasteries: Węgrów and Rava-Ruska – using the potential of the heritage of Reformati Order for development of tourism and socio-cultural life in Poland and Ukraine" (acronym TwinMonasteries) enabled a series of renovation and modernisation works on both Baroque monuments from the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.

For the Programme this is an important and special moment, the cross-border funds have given new life to the historic buildings and the Polish-Ukrainian cooperation developed under this project has taken on special significance today– Leszek Buller noted.

Cooperation between the Roman Catholic Parishes of St. Peter of Alcantara and St. Anthony of Padua in Węgrów and the Archdiocese of Lviv under the project has resulted in the establishment of the Centre for the Dialogue of Cultures in Węgrów and the Centre for the Dialogue of Cultures and Family Orphanage in Rawa Ruska.

We hope that, in line with the values of the Programme, both centres will serve local communities and help further develop cooperation between Poland and Ukraine in the fields of education, culture, tourism, as well as contribute to preserving historical memory for future generations – said Andrzej Słodki. 

The Parish in Węgrów has been organising humanitarian aid for Poles living in the Archdiocese of Lviv since 2016, and since 2022 it has become a humanitarian aid point for refugees from war zones and a residence for orphans from Eastern Ukraine. 

During the opening ceremony of the Centre for the Dialogue of Cultures at the Węgrów Monastery, institutions and persons who supported the preservation and rescue of the monument and helped to give it a new dimension of social function were honoured. Ms Maria Zofia Koc - the originator of the project, the Vice-President of the Węgrów Monastery Association, Senator of the Republic of Poland, and Rev. Romuald Kosk PhD - the President of the Węgrów Monastery Association, Parish Priest, presented their thanks to the JTS Manager of the PBU Programme for the special contribution and support of the Programme for the revitalisation of the historic Węgrów Monastery.

More information about the project can be found on the Programme website under the ‘Projects’ tab.


Ceremony of monastery opening in Węgrów

  • Author: ks. Marcin Gołębiewski

  • Author: ks. Marcin Gołębiewski

  • Author: ks. Marcin Gołębiewski

  • Author: ks. Marcin Gołębiewski

  • Author: ks. Marcin Gołębiewski

  • Author: ks. Marcin Gołębiewski

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