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Orły Wprost Awards presented for the best projects during the Gala in Rzeszów

13 / 07 / 2017
Category: Programme News

On 28th June, during the Gala in Rzeszów six projects implemented under the Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 have been awarded the Orły Wprost 2017 Award.

This years’ edition of the ceremony in Rzeszów was dedicated to the achievements of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, whose cross-border cooperation plays a significant role in its development. It was pointed out by the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development Adam Hamryszczak who took part in the debate preceding the award ceremony and devoted to the future of the Podkarpackie region. Leszek Buller, Director of the Center of European Projects, also participated in this discussion.

In reference to the conclusions of the debate, five cross-border cooperation projects implemented in the frame of the Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 were distinguished:

  • “Stimulation of the tourism development in the Carpathian region by tourist’s service and security improvement”; Lead Partner: Mountains Guides Association “ROVIN” (Ukraine)
  • “Creating municipal system for handling waste household electronic and electrical equipment in Lviv with the experience of Lublin”; Lead Partner: Urban Planning Department of the Lviv City  Council (Ukraine)
  • “Integrated promotion of tourism opportunities and cultural-historic heritage of Lviv region, Podkarpackie and Lublin voivodeships”; Lead Partner: Association “Lviv Tourist Board” (Ukraine)
  • “Cross-border cooperation for the prevention and treatment of extensive burn injuries in the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border area”; Lead Partner: Independent Public Health Care Centre in  Łęczna (Poland)
  • “Clean Water in The Pobuże Region – Water Supply Cross-Border System for Hrubieszów and Volodymyr-Volynskyi – STAGE II”; Lead Partner: Urban Commune of Hrubieszów (Poland)

A special prize was awarded to the “Creation of Polish-Ukrainian Center of Breeding and Promotion of Hucul Horse” project implemented by the Experimental Division of the Institute of Zootechnics – The State Research Institute Odrzechowa  (Poland) in cooperation with The Regional Association of Horse Breeders in Rzeszów and Science-manufacturing Association „Plemkonecentr” (Ukraine). The Director of the Experimental Division of the Institute of Zootechnics – The State Research Institute Odrzechowa Władysław Brejta as well as Marek Gibała, vice-president of The Regional Association of Horse Breeders in Rzeszów were accepting the award on behalf of the project.

We would like to congratulate all those distinguished and awarded with the special prize and we wish you more success in the years to come.

The account from the Gala was published in the 3rd July „Wprost” edition. If anyone wishes to obtain further information about one of the awarded projects, please contact the Communication Manager of the JTS Anna Kluczyk:, phone: +48 22 378 31 37.

Piotr Słaby accepting the award for the “Integrated promotion of tourism opportunities and cultural-historic heritage of Lviv region, Podkarpackie and Lublin voivodeships” project on behalf of the Association “Lviv Tourist Board

Ivan Gorbatso, the president of the Mountain Guides Association “ROVIN” accepting the award for the “Stimulation of the tourism development in the Carpathian region by tourist’s service and security improvement” project

Oleh Hladchuk, project coordinator, accepting the award for the “Creating municipal system for handling waste
household electronic and electrical equipment in Lviv with the experience of Lublin” project

Tomasz Zając, mayor of Hrubieszów accepting the award for the “Clean Water in The Pobuże Region – Water Supply 
Cross-Border System for Hrubieszów and Volodymyr-Volynskyi – STAGE II” project

Liliana Grzesiuk, accepting the award for the “Cross-border cooperation for the prevention and treatment of extensive burn injuries in the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border area” project on behalf of the Independent Public Health Care Centre in  Łęczna

Władysław Brejta and Marek Gibała accepting the special award for the “Creation of Polish-Ukrainian Center of Breeding and Promotion of Hucul Horse” project
All photos: Michał Schabowski

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