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1st Meeting of the Monitoring Committee 2021-2027

09 / 02 / 2023
Category: Project News

On 2nd and 3rd February 2023, in Lublin, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NEXT Programme Poland–Ukraine 2021-2027 met for the first time. The following were invited to participate in its work:

  • representatives of governmental and self-governmental administration from Poland and Ukraine,
  • Polish parts of Euroregions, which operate in the Programme area,
  • representatives of the socio-economic partners and the scientific world.

The establishment of the committee and the start of its work is an important step in the implementation of the Programme.

During the meeting, the body approved the Rules of Procedure of the Monitoring Committee, the schedule of calls, project selection criteria and the application pack for large infrastructure projects, which are to prepare their applications by the end of May at the latest. Large infrastructure projects will be implemented in the priorities:

  • Environment,
  • Tourism,
  • Health,
  • Borders.

The committee members got also acquainted with the assumptions of the Programme Communication Strategy.

The approved documents will soon be published on the website under PL-UA 2021-27 tab, where we publish information on the Interreg NEXT Programme Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027. More information on the approved Programme can be found here.


1st Meeting of the Monitoring Committee 2021-2027

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