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Ankieta PBU in numbers2_sewage projects' map

Information event in Belarus

25 / 07 / 2017
Category: Programme News

On the 18 July, the representatives of the Joint Technical Secretariat took part in the First Polish-Belarusian Conference on the Waters.

This event took part in Brest, Belarus and was organised by the Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The Conference was opened by Andrzej Konieczny, Under-secretary of State in the Ministry of the Environment of Poland. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the most important tasks and challenges in the field of cross-border water management and protection, as well as to present the possibilities of financing such activities. During the conference Leszek Buller, Director of the Center of European Projects promoted the requirements of the cross-border cooperation projects supported by the Programme.

More information about this Conference can be found here (available only in Polish):,1036,nfosigw-rozszerza-polsko-bialoruska-wspolprace-w-dziedzinie-ochrony-wod.html

foto. „NFOŚiGW”

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