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Invitation to submit offers for organization of KARPATY FEST event in Ukraine

28 / 07 / 2017
Category: Programme News

The Сross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 is organizing a promotional event entitled Karpaty Fest in Palanok Castle in Mukacheve in Ukraine (Zakarpattya oblast) on 15-16 September 2017. The purpose of the Festival is to promote local culture of regions supported within the Programme, especially the region of Carpathians through conducting workshops in traditional arts and crafts, demonstrating films on authentic culture of the Carpathians, discussing the opportunities for protection, development and promotion of cultural, historical and natural heritage at thematic panels, dancing and theatre performances, performances of music bands. 

JTS Branch Office in Lviv announces the competitive negotiated procedure for organization of this event (download). We are encouraging all potential subcontractors to take part in this procedure.

At the same time we kindly invite you to participate in the festival KARPATY FEST! Information on registration process will be available on this site soon.

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