The 1st Call for Proposals has been launched!
02 / 06 / 2023
The 1st Call for Proposals within the Interreg NEXT Poland–Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme has been launched on 31 May 2023. It will last till 31 July 2023.
The Call is open only for the priorities ENVIRONMENT and HEALTH and all their Specific objectives.
The budget available in this Call equals 81,11 MEUR and is divided as follows:
- Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches – 20.2 MEUR
- Promoting access to water and sustainable water management – 6.51 MEUR
- Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution – 17.04 MEUR
- HEALTH – 37.36 MEUR
- Ensuring equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care and promoting the transition from institutional to family-based and community-based care.
- GRANT VALUE: 200 000 – 2 500 000 EUR
- CO-FINANCING: up to 90%
- DURATION: up to 24 months
- RANGE OF ACTIVITIES: infrastructure, investment, soft
- PARTNERSHIP COMPOSITION: at least one partner from Poland and one partner from Ukraine
- TERRITORY: the Programme area (some activities may be carried out outside of it but with clear benefit to the Programme area).
- only 1 step (Application form, no Concept Notes!),
- only online.
The Application forms as well as all supporting documents should be submitted only in English via the WOD2021 application system. Application forms submitted in language(s) other than English will be rejected.
All details regarding the rules of this Call are described in the Programme Manual – Regular projects. Part 1 – application together with all annexes.
Before preparing the Application form, please read all the documents carefully. Their English version are official and binding but the same content for information purposes will be soon available on the Programme website also in national languages.
The deadline for submitting the Application forms is 31 July 2023 (till 16:00 CET).
The Monitoring Committee’s decision on the project selection is expected in October 2023 (for priority HEALTH) and February 2024 (for priority ENVIRONMENT), but the timing will depend on the number of applications submitted.
1. Programme website:
- Instruction for filling in the Application form (Annex 7 to the Programme Manual),
- Working translations of the application pack documents (Polish, Ukrainian languages) (will be available shortly),
- Frequently Asked Questions session (will be available shortly).
2. Feedback on questions/ doubts:
- Questions in writing may in addition be sent to the Joint Secretariat via e-mail (no later than 10 July 2023) indicating clearly that it relates that Call (1st call PL-UA). Joint Secretariat/Managing Authority has no obligation to provide further clarifications to questions received after this date.
- Replies in writing will be given no later than 17 July 2023.
3. Trainings for applicants:
- The Joint Secretariat organises trainings for applicants in all regions covered by the Programme. The trainings will be conducted in national languages.
- All trainings organised by Joint Secretariat are financed from the EU sources and the participation is free of charge.
- Please be informed that the number of participants from one organization taking part in place is limited to 2 persons. However, training will be also available online, without any limits (registration is also required).
- Applicants from Ukraine will be able to join online trainings organized in Poland. We provide translation into Ukrainian.
Trainings in POLAND
- BIAŁYSTOK (14 June 2023): Hotel 3trio, ul. Hurtowa 3.
Registration is open till 5 June 2023 (14:00 CET)
- SIEDLCE (15 June 2023): Hotel Ibis Styles, ul. Jana Pawła II 10.
Registration is open till 6 June 2023 (14:00 CET)
- RZESZÓW (20 June 2023): Hotel Zimowit, al. Armii Krajowej 4b.
Registration is open till 12 June 2023 (14:00 CET)
- LUBLIN (21 June 2023): Hotel Victoria, ul. Prezydenta Gabriela Narutowicza 58/60.
Registration is open till 13 June 2023 (14:00 CET)
The agenda is available here.
Trainings in UKRAINE
- LVIV (19 June 2023): Готель "Супутник", вул. Княгині Ольги 116
- LUTSK (20 June 2023): ВНУ ім. Лесі Українки, пр. Волі 13
- RIVNE (21 June 2023): Готель "Мир", вул. Міцкевича, 32
- TERNOPIL (22 June 2023): Готель "Тернопіль", вул. Замкова 14
- IVANO-FRANKIVSK (23 June 2023): ПНУ ім. В. Стефаника, вул. Шевченка 57
- UZHHOROD (27 June 2023): УЖНУ, пл. Народна 3
The agenda is available here.
Registration for trainings in Ukraine is open till 12 June 2023.

Very useful

Maybe useful
