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Be a part of Karpaty Fest!

07 / 08 / 2017
Category: Programme News

We are pleased to invite you to attend Karpaty Fest, a large-scale promotional event organized by our Programme in the framework of the European Cooperation Day on 15th and 16th of September, 2017 in Palanok Castle, Mukachevo, Zakarpattya oblast, Ukraine. The idea of the festival is to promote cultural heritage of the cross-border regions through joining together musical, dancing and theatre performers, as well as folk artists and craftsmen from the three countries. Also, the best practices of PBU 2007-2013 will be presented and new opportunities within current Programme discussed.

For the registered participants the Programme covers transportation by bus, accommodation, catering and access to all Karpaty Fest activities. Also, free access to the event on the 15th and 16th of September, 2017 will be granted to all people willing to attend it.

Please be aware that the number of the registered participants will be limited.

The registration will be open till August 25, 2017. Please fill in the online registration form before that deadline.

Draft agenda

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