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Special trainings for the lead beneficiaries

28 / 11 / 2016
Category: Programme News

On Tuesday, December 6th, the Joint Technical Secretariat launches a second series of trainings for applicants of the 1st Call for Proposals in Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.

Trainings are conducted in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian languages and are held in locations indicated below. Registered participants will receive training materials in appropriate language. Here you can download the training agenda.

Schedule of trainings:

06-07.12 - Rzeszów, Hotel “Rzeszów”, Al. Jana Piłsudskiego 44

08-09.12 – Białystok, Hotel “Santana”, ul. Baranowicka 55

07-08.12 – Minsk, Hotel “Orbita”, Pushkin Avenue, 39

07-08.12 – Lviv, Hotel “Lviv”, Chernovola Prospekt 7

We invite you to actively participate in the trainings! 

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