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European Cooperation Day was celebrated in Lviv

12 / 09 / 2017
Category: Programme News

On September 9, 2017, European Cooperation Day was celebrated in Lviv Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life. This event, entitled "Travel to the world of crafts and traditions!" was organized by the Lviv Branch Office of the CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.

More than 500 guests attended the event. The children had the opportunity to participate in free workshops in crafts and cooking as well as they could play traditional musical instruments and take part in other activities. They also participated in an EU-quiz where they could test their knowledge of the European Union and its member countries. In addition to traditional crafts, children had classes of folk dances by choreographers. The youngest guests were entertained by animators and had their mini-quest.

All visitors received promotional materials and the most active participants (those who participated at three master classes and answered questions of the EU-quiz) were awarded with prizes.

During the event, the BO experts provided information on the opportunities offered by the Programme in the financial perspective 2014-2020. Visitors could also view the exhibition of the best projects of PBU 2007-2013 and learn about the Programme’s outputs and achievements.

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