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Karpaty Fest - the largest promotional event of the Programme in the frames of the European Cooperation Day

26 / 09 / 2017
Category: Programme News

A large promotional event entitled KARPATY FEST was organized by the Сross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 in the framework of the European Cooperation Day in Palanok Castle (Mukachevo, Ukraine, Zakarpattya oblast) on 15-16 September 2017.

The idea of the festival was to promote cultural heritage of the cross-border regions through joining together musical, dancing and theatre performers, as well as folk artists and craftsmen from the three countries.

Visitors could enjoy the performance of folk-rock bands, such as Joryj Kloc, Rock-H, Troitsa, Irdorath, Na Dobry Dzień, as well as dancing groups, including Rohy, Dąbrowica, Halychyna, Brestchanka and many others.  On the second day 6 theatres from the three countries attracted the spectators by their plays. People could try their hands in traditional crafts, watch films in the film hall and participate in quests around the castle.

Also, the best practices of PBU 2007-2013 were presented and new opportunities within current Programme 2014-2020 were discussed during the thematic panels.

Over 2000 invitees, including representatives of NGOs, local authorities, cultural institutions, as well as tourists and residents of Mukachevo attended the event.

Representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of Poland, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, representatives of Regional Authorities, Diplomats of Poland participated in the Festival as honorary guests.

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