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Information events in Poland

05 / 10 / 2017
Category: Programme News

The representatives of the Programme took part in the Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress in Lublin and in the Eastern Economic Congress in Białystok.

The sixth Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress took place on 26 September in Lublin, Poland and was organised by the City of Lublin and Lubelskie Voivodeship. The Congress focuses on development perspectives for Central and  Eastern Europe, and the challenges regarding urban and rural areas development taking into account the needs of their inhabitants. During the event, Leszek Buller, Director of the Center of European Projects took part in the discussion on the sources of cross-border financing of local development where he promoted the requirements of the cross-border cooperation projects supported by the Programme. The information stand of the Programme was also organised within the International Donors' Fair which was held on this occasion on 25 September. More information about this event can be found here:

The Programme information stand was also organised on the occasion of the fourth Eastern Economic Congress which took place on 27-28 September in Białystok, Poland. The participants in the Congress discussed the problems and challenges faced by the regions of the eastern part of Poland. More information about this event can be found here:

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