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Evaluation of projects under Thematic Objectives Accessibility and Borders

03 / 11 / 2017
Category: Programme News

The Joint Technical Secretariat has finalised the administrative and eligibility check of the Full Application Forms submitted within the 1st Call for proposals in the Thematic Objective ACCESSIBILITY. Out of 64 projects invited to submit Full Application Forms, there were 61 applications submitted. As a result of the administrative and eligibility check, 58 projects are approved for quality assessment. The requested EU contribution of the eligible projects is slightly over 104 MEUR, while the allocation available for the call in this thematic objective is slightly over 34 MEUR.

At the same time, the JTS has finalised the administrative and eligibility check of the Full Application Forms submitted also in the Thematic Objectives BORDERS. Out of 18 projects invited to submit Full Application Forms, there were 16 applications submitted. As a result of the check, all the submitted projects are approved for quality assessment. The requested EU contribution of these projects amounts to nearly 22 MEUR which is fully covered by the allocation available in this thematic objective.

In the upcoming days, all applicants from both Thematic Objectives will be informed in writing about the outcomes of the administrative and eligibility check.

Applications which have met programme requirements are currently being assessed regarding the quality evaluation criteria. We expect to finalise the quality assessment in the first half of November. Then, the outcomes of the assessors work will be shared with the Project Selection Committee which will make their recommendations for the Joint Monitoring Committee. The final decision on selection of the projects will be taken by the Joint Monitoring Committee during the meeting which will take place on 7 December 2017 in Lviv, Ukraine. All the applicants will be informed about the decision of the Committee immediately after this meeting.

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