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Orły Wprost Awards presented for the best projects during the Gala in Lublin

14 / 11 / 2017
Category: Programme News

On 7th November, during the Gala in Lublin eight projects implemented under the Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 have been awarded the Orły Wprost 2017 Award.

The edition of the ceremony in Lublin was dedicated to the achievements of projects from the Lubelskie and Podlaskie Voivodeships with highly visible cross-border cooperation effects, which  provide benefits to the local communities and accelerate the local development. It was pointed out many times during the debate with participation of Leszek Buller, Director of the Center of European Projects. Adam Hamryszczak, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development, during the conversation with the editor-in-chief of the "Wprost" Weekly Jacek Pochłopień talk about the specificity of the projects implemented under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine, the management of the Programme and its implementation.

Five cross-border cooperation projects implemented in the frame of the Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 were distinguished during the Gala:

  • “Improvement of cross-border region attractiveness through the introduction of enthno-cultural resources into the tourist activities (a trip to the ethnic fairytale)”; Lead Partner: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)
  • “The improvement of work with teenagers of deviant behaviour”; Lead Partner: Board of Education of Brest Oblast Executive Committee (Belarus)
  • “Young people in border regions: standing together for safety”; Lead Partner: Brest Regional Board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
  • “The improvement of the efficiency of the transboundary reaction system to the environmental hazards: Tomaszów Lubelski – Żółkiew – Sokal”; Lead Partner: Tomaszów District (Poland)
  • “The development of cardiological support for the Polish population and Belarusian population within Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2007-2013”; Lead Partner: Regional Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska (Poland)
  • “TOGETHER WE PROTECT THE BIAŁOWIEŻA FOREST”; Lead Partner: Association of Local Governments of Euroregion of the Białowieża Forest (Poland)

A special prize was awarded to two projects:

  • “Cross-border cooperation for education, rehabilitation and tourism of people with disabilities - reconstruction, development and adaptation of buildings and rehabilitation in Alojzów and Lviv” project implemented by the Polish Association for Mentally Handicapped Werbkowice Circle (Poland) in cooperation with the Educational and Rehabilitation Centre “Dzherelo” in Lviv (Ukraine). The President of the PAfMH Werbkowice Circle Board Halina Szpuga as well as the vice-president Marta Piotrowska-Lackowska were accepting the award on behalf of the project.
  • “Extension of the cross-border sewage treatment system in drainage area of the river Bug (western)” project implemented by the Town Commune of Hajnówka (Poland) in cooperation with the Municipal Unitary Multiple Productive Enterprise of Communal-Housing Economy “Kamienieckie ŻKCh” (Belarus) and National Scientific Institute “Poleski Agro-Ecological Institute of National Academy of Belarusian Sciences” (Belarus). The Mayor of Hajnówka Jerzy Sirak accepted the award on behalf of the project.

We would like to congratulate all those distinguished and awarded with the special prize and we wish you more success in the years to come.

The account from the Gala was published in the 13th November „Wprost” edition.

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