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Educational Campaign for schools launched!

23 / 02 / 2018
Category: Programme News

We are happy to announce the start of our Educational Campaign for Schools within EC Day 2018.

Schools in the cross-border areas of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine are invited to submit their applications within Educational Campaign for Schools within EC Day 2018. This year’s competition will be devoted to Heritage, so the tasks will be related to this topic. A novelty of this year’s edition is that art and music schools can participate, too and that there can be only one application per school. 

The winning 24 teams will take part in the Final event (20-23 September 2018 in Lviv, Ukraine).   

Download application form

Download the Rules

Download the evaluation grid

The deadline for the submission of applications is the 16th of April 2018.

Additional information on the Campaign can be obtained in the relevant Branch Offices of the Programme in Rzeszow , Brest and Lviv. (See the Contacts section on the website).

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