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PL-BY-UA Programme at the 11th Europe-Ukraine Forum

19 / 03 / 2018
Category: Programme News

Representatives of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 prepared and ran a special discussion panel "What have we achieved together, what lies ahead?"

Nearly a thousand people, two days of debates and meetings, two plenary sessions and 40 discussion panels devoted to the economy, economics, politics and social life. These are the numbers which can summarize the 11th Europe-Ukraine Forum. The event gathered participants from many European countries on 13 th-14th March in Jasionka near Rzeszów (Poland).

Jerzy Kwieciński, minister of investment and economic development (Poland), Oleksandr Hanushchyn, chairman of the Lviv Regional Council, Władysław Ortyl, marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship and Leszek Buller, director of the Center of European Projects in Warsaw, were guests of the special discussion panel "What have we achieved together, what lies ahead?" organized by the Programme. The discussion was moderated by the head of the Joint Technical Secretariat PL-BY-UA Paweł Słowikowski. The discussion participants summarized the effects of the Programme and attempted to outline its future:

- Contracts which will be signed shall probably embrace almost all the funds that are available. The interest is enormous and our resources will absolutely not satisfy these needs. (...) I hope that the funds for the forthcoming perspective will be increased. I am convinced that this third pillar of the Cohesion Policy, concerning cross-border cooperation, will be maintained in the forthcoming financial perspective and will have new resources. - emphasized minister Jerzy Kwieciński.

The Programme representatives participated also in several other discussion panels: "From Association to Customs Union? Ukraine in search of a realistic model of European integration", "How to build a friendly border?", "Eastern Partnership: new ideas for a new reality" and "In search of ways of the development acceleration in Central and Eastern Europe". Information about the Programme could also be obtained at the information and promotion stand during the 2nd Eastern Fair, which accompanied the Forum and gathered nearly a hundred exhibitors.


Europe-Ukraine Forum

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