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Final decision on approval of projects within the thematic objective SECURITY

23 / 03 / 2018
Category: Programme News

On 22nd March 2018, during the meeting in Bialystok, Poland, the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) approved the results of the 1st Call for Proposals regarding the TO Security.

The JMC decided to co-finance 17 projects out of 143 that had previously passed the administrative and eligibility check during the second stage of the call. We invite you to take a look on the list of the winners. At the same time, the Committee approved the reserve list composed of 97 projects.

The total amount of awarded co-financing equals to 23,90 M EUR. The final available co-financing amount was increased by the JMC from the amount of 23,25 M EUR thanks to reallocations of funds from the Programme technical assistance budget where savings were identified. The JMC decided also to lower the EU co-financing for the selected projects. Both these decisions will enable financing and implementation of more projects from this popular thematic objective. The Joint Technical Secretariat will soon inform each of 143 applicants on the final decision of the JMC regarding their project.

During the meeting the JMC discussed also such current issues as the progress of Large Infrastructure Projects’ selection and approval process, the state of contracting of the previously selected projects. The JMC also approved the Application pack for the Second Call for Proposals. The most important assumptions of the second call will be published on our website soon. 

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JMC Białystok 22.03.2018

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