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ACCESSIBILITY – the first grant contract signed

29 / 03 / 2018
Category: Programme News

On 27th March 2018 in Ustrzyki Dolne (PL), deputy minister of investment and economic development Adam Hamryszczak signed the first grant contract within the Thematic Objective ACCESSIBILITY. The project entitled "Cross-border partnership - a chance for regional development" (SOUTHWAY) will be implemented by the Bieszczady District (PL)  and the Turka Region (UA).

The accessibility of the Bieszczady Mountains is a prerequisite for their attractiveness for investors and tourists. Thanks to the implementation of the project, on the Polish side, the following district roads will be reconstructed: Olszanica-Ropienka-Wojtkówka, Czarna-Michniowiec, Smolnik-Zatwarnica, Rakowa-Stańkowa-Ropienka, Ustjanowa-Daszówka-Czarna, Wańkowa-Dźwiniacz-Brzegi Dolne, Rozpucie-Ropienka with a total length of 15,515 km. On the Ukrainian side, 3 tourist routes and feasibility studies for around 131 km of cross-border roads will be developed. Moreover, the common strategy for stimulating the economic and tourist development of that area will be developed.

The SOUTHWAY project, which received over 1,45 M EUR of co-financing under the Programme, will last 18 months.

From the left: Piotr Pilch, member of the board of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship; Marek Andruch, Head of Bieszczady Poviat; Adam hamryszczak, Deputy Minister of Economic and Investment Development; Lucyna Podhalicz, Vice-voivode of the Podkapacie; Volodymyr lozyuk, Chairman of the district council in Turka; Oleksandr Hanuszczyn, Chairman of the Lviv Regional Council. Photo: Marian S. Mazurkiewicz



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