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Guide on National Procedure of Approval and Registration of the ITA Projects in Belarus

11 / 05 / 2018
Category: Programme News

We are pleased to inform you about the publication of the Guide on National Procedure of Approval and Registration of the ITA Projects in Belarus.

The aim of this Guide is to provide Belarusian beneficiaries of the Programme with the information how to pass through the procedure of National approval and registration of the ITA projects in Belarus in a correct way. In the Guide you will find the requirements that are to be followed by Belarusian beneficiaries while passing through the National procedure of approval and registration ITA projects in Belarus, the list of documents which must be submitted to the Ministry of Economy of RB and the links to the Belarusian legislation in regard to the procedure of National approval and registration.

We encourage Belarusian beneficiaries to get acquainted with the Guide and contact Brest Branch Office, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus (Department of International Technical Assistance ph.: +375 17 200-46-81) or EU ITA Centre in Belarus (ph.: +375 17 200 64 65) in order to consult any doubts.

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