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Partner Search Forum I in Lublin

25 / 07 / 2018
Category: Programme News

On 25-26 July 2018 the Partner Search Forum was held in Lublin to join the partners and help them to conceptualize joint projects ideas which could be submitted within the upcoming second call for proposals. There were in total 100 participants from Ukraine, 40 from Belarus and 80 from Poland.

During the Forum, the representatives of the Joint Technical Secretariat presented main assumptions of the second call for proposals and shared some inspirations from the previous Programme. The Tesim-project representative gave an idea of a good cross-border partnership, while other experts shared their experiences on creation and promotion of a tourist product as well as on project’s accessibility for people with disabilities. The potential beneficiaries also had an opportunity to work in two topic groups divided by priorities. All the presentations from this event are available here.

Many potential partners are registered in database which is available here. Please do not hesitate to register your organization!

We would like to remind you that the second Call for Proposals starts on 1 August and will last until 31 October 2018. Please note that the second Partner Search Forum will be organised in Brest, Belarus on 21-22 August. Later on in September we will organise a series of trainings for Applicants in all eligible regions.

photo Maciej Kozłowski

photo Maciej Kozłowski

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