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We invite you to Brest at the Partner Search Forum II

31 / 07 / 2018
Category: Programme News

Please be informed that August 21-22 this year in Brest, the Partner Search Forum will take place - an event to help establish partnerships and prepare projects for the second Call for Proposals under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.

All potential Applicants from the eligible areas of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine are invited to participate in the Forum. We provide transport from major cities (according to the list provided in the registration form), catering and accommodation.

A detailed agenda can be found here.

The registration form available here must be completed, signed, scanned and then sent to the by 8 August 2018 at the latest. The number of places is limited, the order of applications decides. A potential Beneficiary may sign a maximum 2 representatives to participate in the event. Persons accepted for the Forum will receive confirmation of participation by e-mail. The others will be put on the reserve list.

At the same time, we kindly ask you to register in Partner Search database available here.

We would like to remind you that the Programme Manual for the second Call for Proposals is available on our website: in English and in its working translations into national languages (available on national pages). Document contains detailed information on requirements of the call, including institutions and organizations entitled to submit applications, eligible area, etc.

The Call for Projects starts on August 1 and will last until October 31. In September, trainings for Applicants will be provided.

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