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ACCESSIBILITY - another grant contract signed

24 / 08 / 2018
Category: Programme News

On 23rd August, in Ostrołęka, the Undersecretary of State of Ministry of Investment and Economic Development Adam Hamryszczak signed another contract for co-financing a project under the Thematic Objective Accessibility.
The project titled "The Development of ICT Competence Centers in Ostroleka and in Mosty" (ICTCOMPET) will be implemented by the City of Ostrołęka in cooperation with the State Institution of Culture "Mosty County Library" from the Hrodna Region in Belarus. The main goal of the project is to improve the accessibility and support of the development of cross-border regions of Poland and Belarus through the creation of an ICT infrastructure (information and communication technologies). In the ICTCOMPET project, thanks to the co-financing amounting to more than 2.36 million EUR, two cross-border ICT centers will be created and a strategy for development of digital skills and adaptation of the ICT education system to the requirements of the 21st century will be developed. The implementation of the project is planned for two years.

 another grant contract signed

Photo: Studio Borkowski

another grant contract signed

Photo: Studio Borkowski

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